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Editor's Pick

During the first presidential debate on Thursday, Donald Trump eagerly defended himself against criticism he has faced for nearly seven years. Moderator Jake Tapper...

Editor's Pick

President Biden’s advisers scrambled Friday to contain growing panic among donors, down-ballot and swing state Democrats after his halting debate performance undermined his case...

Editor's Pick

In the 10 o’clock Eastern hour Thursday night, a realization began to set in among Democrats: They were witnessing an event that significantly imperils...


Editor's Pick

The Supreme Court on Friday turned aside Stephen K. Bannon’s last bid to delay his July 1 deadline to report to prison, leaving the...

Editor's Pick

In the banquet hall of an Atlanta-area gun store, Republicans cheered as President Biden stumbled at times and halted through some answers in Thursday’s...

Editor's Pick

The New York Times editorial board on Friday called on President Biden to abandon his reelection campaign after his widely criticized performance in the...

Editor's Pick

The victory lap began before the debate was over. Donald Trump’s aides had prepared for him to face the fiery President Biden who showed...

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